Adventures at the Leading Edge of Well-being,
with Justice Schanfarber
A decade-long career as a therapist eventually revealed to me the limits of a therapy mindset. I witnessed a growing desire for well-being and thriving that does not hinge upon a need to change other people, to fix life circumstances, or to understand or heal the past.
A focus on thriving, not healing
In 2021 I was still practicing therapy, but I began offering my clients the option of moving directly toward thriving and well-being rather than taking the conventional course of focusing upon trauma, grief, wounding, or unwanted feelings or events.
Today I teach Thriving Beyond Therapy, a forward-focused approach to cultivating clarity and self-alignment in the present moment, while leaving unwanted experiences from the past behind.
Thriving Beyond Therapy grew out of a discovery that you can not be focused upon healing and thriving at the same time. These are different mindsets, and you can not inhabit both simultaneously. You must choose.
This discovery inspired another: inner work does not need to be difficult, cathartic, or emotionally painful in order to be transformative and profound.
I know as well as anyone that chronic struggles, crisis moments, and those “dark night of the soul”, wrestling-your-demons experiences that poets, mystics, and depth psychologists revere can certainly give way to insight and growth, but this is a hard way to do it, and it can take a toll.
After doing it the hard way for decades, I learned that the most welcome and valuable growth ultimately comes through choosing joy and developing an increased capacity for experiencing joy.
Evolved understanding, leading-edge tools
My methods build upon psychological knowledge and a therapy background, but evolve these forward into a fresh, optimistic understanding of human nature and human thriving.
With this new understanding, I’m able to provide leading-edge tools for supporting the growth and well-being of anyone who is ready.
The people who choose to work with me have often done some therapy (sometimes a lot of therapy) and they feel that they have reached the limits of what therapy can offer them.
They might be bored, frustrated, or simply complete with a therapy approach to engaging their inner world. They want to continue on their journey of self-discovery and mastery, but in a new way that feels refreshing and empowered.
Some of my clients are people who want to skip the therapy approach altogether and move quickly toward clarity, self-alignment, and thriving.
I also provide consulting for therapists, coaches, teachers, and leaders of all types who want to bring a Thriving Beyond Therapy approach to their own professional practices, organizations, and personal lives.
A formula for thriving
There’s a basic formula for thriving, and it can be summed up in three simple steps:
- Find clarity about what you want.
- Get yourself aligned with this clarity, first in thought and feeling, then in action.
- Repeat.
Scratch the surface of this simple-sounding formula and you find a lot of nuance. Go a little deeper, and you find a full-blown life-long adventure!
It doesn’t need to be hard work, but it does take proper focus and understanding.
If this is not coming easily for you, I can help:
I specialize in guiding people toward clarity about what they want most, and helping them get into complete alignment with this clarity so they can enjoy moving in the direction of their deepest desire.
That’s what thriving ultimately is: thriving is knowing what you want and feeling yourself in complete alignment with your desire as you enjoy moving toward its fulfillment.
Clarity and alignment: different from therapy or counseling
This work of getting clarity about your desire, and then getting into complete alignment with this clarity – mentally, emotionally and physically – can be a fast-paced, easy, and fun process if you understand how it works. It’s different from conventional therapy or counseling, but it can be used to obtain results that people sometimes imagine therapy providing.
People use the approach I am describing to achieve remarkable results in all areas of life including:
- Improving a marriage or relationship
- Navigating a significant change or crisis like divorce or death
- Developing a successful career, business, or profession
- Optimizing leadership and management for organizations, teams, or projects
- Building a happy and healthy family
- Enjoying a stable and satisfying sense of clarity, purpose, and peace
- Supporting the success and well-being of those you love and care about
Listen to real-life client stories, told in their own voice, in their own words – Click Here.
Working with me
Working with me is simple. We will schedule weekly coaching calls for as long as you are benefiting.
Expect our conversations to deliver practical insights that easily translate into actionable clarity for real world results. These weekly dialogues are exhilarating, satisfying, insightful, and soothing, and will provide you with tools to be your most effective, confident, best self so that you can thrive in any situation, relationship, or life context.
My business is primarily by referral, and most of my clients have been working with me for two years or longer. To learn more about my background and approach click here.
I serve clients worldwide. If you are interested in working with me, request a client information package by email. Please include your country of residence.
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