Events and Workshops

Hakomi Workshop at Ocean Mountain Yoga Feb 28, 2015

Campbell River Hakomi counselling workshop Feb 28 2015What: Hakomi Workshop
When: 12 noon – 2pm, February 28, 2015
Where: Ocean Mountain Yoga, Campbell River
REGISTER HERE: Hakomi Workshop at Ocean Mountain Yoga – Registration Page

Assisted Self Inquiry:
An introduction to the Hakomi Method

Hakomi is a mindfulness based, body centred modality favoured by counsellors and therapists who value a holistic approach to healing. Rooted in principles of non-violence, organicity and mind-body integration, a Hakomi session has the therapist acting as a collaborator and guide, gently helping the client deepen into their present-moment experience where insights and resources can naturally emerge.

This is a rare opportunity to witness a full length one-on-one Hakomi session. A volunteer will be selected in advance to be in the client role. Participant observers will get an introduction to the method before the session and will have an opportunity to debrief and get their questions answered afterward.

This event will be especially valuable for those facing life challenges of their own, for wellness professionals interested in the method, and for anyone curious about using mindfulness therapeutically or for their own insight, healing and growth.

Note – If you’re interested in being in the client role for the demonstration please contact the presenter using the contact information below. Many people have the found the experience of doing a session in front of a supportive group to be very gratifying. There’s no cost to the client volunteer.

Justice Schanfarber, CHT
Phone 778 996-3821

REGISTER HERE: Hakomi Workshop at Ocean Mountain Yoga – Registration Page

To view the workshop handout click here or on the image below – Justice Schanfarber Counselling – Ocean Mountain Yoga Hakomi workshop handout (.pdf)

Justice Schanfarber Counselling - Campbell River Hakomi handout

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